A f r i c a n b y L e g a c y , M e x i c a n b y B i r t h ,
2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 5
Produced in collaboration with writer/filmaker Marco Villalobos

Project Rowhouses, Houston Texas, 2011

C-Print 75 x 75 cm

C-Print 75 x 75 cm

Project Rowhouses, Houston Texas, 2011
In African By Legacy, Mexican By Birth, the extraordinary photographic work of Ayana V. Jackson and the powerful narrative of Marco Villalobos brings inspired insight in addressing the role of racial and cultural citizenship as it impacts the lives of African descendents in Mexico and throughout the Americas. The exhibition actively speaks to the spirit of the maroon Yanga of Mexico who valiantly fought for the liberation of his people and assured the continuing presence of Afro Mexicans as an integral part of the African legacy in the Americas. The individuals reflected in this exhibition represent ancestors whose physical and intellectual property became the foundation of the economic and cultural development of Western Europe and the Americas.